Jill-Jênn Vie

Researcher at Inria

% Using Posters and Deep Learning\newline to Recommend Anime & Mangas % Jill-Jênn Vie, PhD\newline RIKEN Center for AIP, Tokyo\vspace{3mm}\newline \includegraphics[width=2cm]{figures/aip-logo.png} % July 5, 2018 — handout: true section-titles: false header-includes: - \usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{figures/bg.png}} —






Mangaki, recommendations of anime/manga

Rate anime/manga and receive recommendations

2,000 users, 10,000 anime/manga, 350,000 ratings



Build a profile

Mangaki prioritizes your watchlist

Browse the rankings: top works

Why nonprofit?

Everything is open source: github.com/mangaki (Python, Vue.js)

Awards: Microsoft Prize (2014) Japan Foundation (2016)

Browse the rankings: precious pearls


Embedding you in the geometry of mangas


Many blocks for recommendation

\begin{itemize} \item[KNN] $K$-Nearest Neighbors \item[ALS] Alternating Least Squares \item[FMA] Factorization Machines \end{itemize}

Input: ratings
Output: representation of users and items
(geometry used for reordering & recommendation)

A new block appears!

Illustration2Vec (by Masaki Saito & Yusuke Matsui, 2015)


{width=42%} {width=45%}

We have (many) posters

Existing algorithms

\begin{itemize} \item[ALS] Take ratings $\rightarrow$ recommendations
\emph{Does not work when no ratings are available (ex. new work)} \item[LASSO] Take tags/ratings $\rightarrow$ recommendations
\emph{Does not take care of people with similar taste} \item[I2V] Take posters $\rightarrow$ tags \end{itemize}

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation

Our new algorithm

Combine blocks
Use machine learning to select the best model

\hfill Blended Alternating Least Squares with Explanation



Our paper BALSE was accepted at the MANPU workshop!


Genuine excerpt from the reviewers


Two models individually are existing methods, but this work presents a novel fusion method called \alert{Steins gate} to integrate results given by two models.


Make your neural network look at the manga

Extract frames from episodes

\hfill \emph{Cowboy Bebop EP 23} “Brain Scratch”, Sunrise

Watching assistant

Take home message

Still, there are things we can never predict



Thanks! Do you have any questions? \hfill jj@mangaki.fr

mangaki.fr/map \hfill github.com/mangaki