Jill-Jênn Vie

Researcher at Inria

% Learning Fair Representations % JJV % \Large Link to paper — hyperrefoptions: colorlinks header-includes: - \usepackage{tikz} —


“Different models with the same reported accuracy can have a very different distribution of error across population” (Hardt, 2017)


Crime prediction (watch Psycho-Pass):


This paper: “Fairness regularizer”

Example of fairness



See Attacking discrimination with smarter machine learning




\[M_{n, k} = P(Z = k|x_n) \propto \exp(-d(x_n, \alert{v_k}))\]

\raggedleft High if $x_n$ is close to $\alert{v_k}$


\[\hat{x_n} = \sum_k M_{n, k} \alert{v_k}\]

\only<1>{\(\displaystyle \widehat{y_n} = \sum_k M_{n, k} \alert{w_k}\)} \only<2>{\(\widehat{y_n} = \sum_k \underbrace{M_{n, k}}_{\in \{0, 1\}} \alert{w_k}\)} \only<3>{\(\widehat{y_n} = \sum_k \underbrace{M_{n, k}}_{\in \{0, 1\}} \underbrace{\alert{w_k}}_{\in \{0, 1\}}\)}

$\alert{v_k} \in \mathbf{R}^d$, $\alert{w_k} \in \mathbf{R}$ are \alert{learned}



$L_y = \sum_n - y_n \log \hat{y_n} - (1 - y_n) \log (1 - \hat{y_n})$

$L_x = \sum_n   x_n - \hat{x}_n   ^2$
$L_z = \sum_k M_k^+ - M_k^- $

where $M_k^+ = \underbrace{\mathbb{E}+ M{n, k}}_{\textnormal{average across subgroup}}$

\only<1>{\(L = A_z L_z + A_x L_x + A_y L_y\)} \only<2>{\(L = A_z L_z + A_x L_x + A_y \alert{N_D}\)}


LR: Logistic Regression

FNB: Fair Naive Bayes

RLR: Regularized LR

LFR: Learning Fair Representations

Results I

Accuracy (high)

Discrimination (low)

\[D = | \mathbb{E}_+ \hat{y}^n - \mathbb{E}_- \hat{y}^n |\]

Results I, see paper



Results II

Consistency (high)

\[y_{nn} = 1 - \frac1{Nk} \sum_n \left| \hat{y}_n - \sum_{j \in kNN(x_n)} \hat{y}_j \right|\]

Results II



Going beyond: AUC constraints

Constraints on AUC or area between ROC curves (ABROCA)




Evaluating the Fairness of Predictive Student Models Through Slicing Analysis (Gardner, Brooks and Baker, 2019)

Also works from Bellet next door

Going beyond: Relation to differential privacy




\[\begin{aligned} \forall S \subset \textnormal{Im} A, \forall D_1, D_2 \textnormal{"close"}, Pr(A(D_1) \subset S) \leq e^\varepsilon Pr(A(D_2) \subset S)\\ \forall S \subset \textnormal{Im} A, \forall D_1, D_2 \textnormal{"close"} \left|\frac{\log Pr(A(D_1) \in S)}{\log Pr(A(D_2) \in S)}\right| \leq \varepsilon \end{aligned}\]


For more on this beautiful relationship:
Fairness through Awareness (Dwork et al., 2011)