Jill-Jênn Vie

Researcher at Inria

% Knowledge Tracing Machines:\newline Families of models\newline for predicting student performance % Jill-Jênn Vie \and Hisashi Kashima % November 9, 2018\bigskip\newline \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.03388} — theme: Frankfurt handout: true institute: \includegraphics[height=1cm]{figures/aip-logo.png} \quad \includegraphics[height=1cm]{figures/kyoto.png} section-titles: false biblio-style: authoryear header-includes: - \usepackage{booktabs} - \usepackage{multicol} - \usepackage{bm} - \DeclareMathOperator\logit{logit} - \def\ReLU{\textnormal{ReLU}} biblatexoptions: - maxbibnames=99 - maxcitenames=5 —


AI for Social Good

AI can:

as long as you have enough data.

Can it also:

as long as you have enough data?


Predicting student performance


A population of students answering questions



Good model for prediction $\rightarrow$ Good adaptive policy for teaching

Learning outcomes

Families of models





Weak generalization (in these slides)

Filling the blanks: some students did not attempt all questions

Strong generalization (in the paper)

Cold-start: some new students are not in the train set

Visually: model learning over time


\emph{From the DKT paper.}

Dummy dataset: weak generalization

\begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \begin{itemize} \item User 1 answered Item 1 correct \item User 1 answered Item 2 incorrect \item User 2 answered Item 1 incorrect \item User 2 answered Item 1 correct \item User 2 answered Item 2 ??? \end{itemize} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.4\linewidth} \centering \input{tables/dummy-ui-weak}\vspace{5mm}

\texttt{dummy.csv} \end{column} \end{columns}

Dummy dataset: strong generalization

\begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \begin{itemize} \item User 1 answered Item 1 correct \item User 1 answered Item 2 incorrect \item User 2 answered Item 1 ??? \item User 2 answered Item 1 ??? \item User 2 answered Item 2 ??? \end{itemize} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.4\linewidth} \centering \input{tables/dummy-ui-strong}\vspace{5mm}

\texttt{dummy.csv} \end{column} \end{columns}

Logistic Regression

Task 1: Item Response Theory

Learn abilities $\theta_i$ for each user $i$
Learn easiness $e_j$ for each item $j$ such that: \(\begin{aligned} Pr(\textnormal{User $i$ Item $j$ OK}) & = \sigma(\theta_i + e_j)\\ \logit Pr(\textnormal{User $i$ Item $j$ OK}) & = \theta_i + e_j \end{aligned}\)

Logistic regression

Learn $\alert{\bm{w}}$ such that $\logit Pr(\bm{x}) = \langle \alert{\bm{w}}, \bm{x} \rangle$

Usually with L2 regularization: ${   \bm{w}   }_2^2$ penalty $\leftrightarrow$ Gaussian prior

Graphically: IRT as logistic regression

Encoding of “User $i$ answered Item $j$”:


\[\logit Pr(\textnormal{User $i$ Item $j$ OK}) = \langle \bm{w}, \bm{x} \rangle = \theta_i + e_j\]


python encode.py --users --items




\raggedright Then logistic regression can be run on the sparse features:

python lr.py data/dummy/X-ui.npz

Oh, there’s a problem

python encode.py --users --items

python lr.py data/dummy/X-ui.npz


We predict the same thing when there are several attempts.

Count successes and failures

Keep track of what the student has done before:




Task 2: Performance Factor Analysis

$W_{ik}$: how many successes of user $i$ over skill $k$ ($F_{ik}$: #failures)

Learn $\alert{\beta_k}$, $\alert{\gamma_k}$, $\alert{\delta_k}$ for each skill $k$ such that: \(\logit Pr(\textnormal{User $i$ Item $j$ OK}) = \sum_{\textnormal{Skill } k \textnormal{ of Item } j} \alert{\beta_k} + W_{ik} \alert{\gamma_k} + F_{ik} \alert{\delta_k}\)

python encode.py --skills --wins --fails

\centering \input{tables/show-swf}



python encode.py --skills --wins --fails

python lr.py data/dummy/X-swf.npz


Test on a large dataset: Assistments 2009

278608 attempts of 4163 students over 196457 items on 124 skills.

python fm.py data/assistments09/X-ui.npz (or make big)


\centering \input{tables/assistments42-afm-pfa}

Task 3: a new model (but still logistic regression)

python encode.py --items --skills --wins --fails

python lr.py data/dummy/X-iswf.npz

\centering \input{tables/assistments42-afm-pfa-iswf}

Factorization Machines

Here comes a new challenger

How to model \alert{side information} in, say, recommender systems?

Logistic Regression

Learn a 1-dim \alert{bias} for each feature (each user, item, etc.)

Factorization Machines

Learn a 1-dim \alert{bias} and a $k$-dim \alert{embedding} for each feature

What can be done with 2-dim embeddings?



Interpreting the components

Interpreting the components

How to model side information?

If you know user $i$ attempted item $j$ on \alert{mobile} (not desktop)
How to model it?

$y$: score of event “user $i$ solves correctly item $j$”


\[y = \theta_i + e_j\]

Multidimensional IRT (similar to collaborative filtering)

\[y = \theta_i + e_j + \langle \bm{v_\textnormal{user $i$}}, \bm{v_\textnormal{item $j$}} \rangle\]


With side information

\[y = \theta_i + e_j + \langle \bm{v_\textnormal{user $i$}}, \bm{v_\textnormal{item $j$}} \rangle + \langle \bm{v_\textnormal{user $i$}}, \alert{\bm{v_\textnormal{mobile}}} \rangle + \langle \bm{v_\textnormal{item $j$}}, \alert{\bm{v_\textnormal{mobile}}} \rangle\]

Graphically: logistic regression


Graphically: factorization machines


Formally: factorization machines

Learn bias \alert{$w_k$} and embedding \alert{$\bm{v_k}$} for each feature $k$ such that: \(\logit p(\bm{x}) = \mu + \underbrace{\sum_{k = 1}^N \alert{w_k} x_k}_{\textnormal{logistic regression}} + \underbrace{\sum_{1 \leq k < l \leq N} x_k x_l \langle \alert{\bm{v_k}}, \alert{\bm{v_l}} \rangle}_{\textnormal{pairwise interactions}}\)

Multidimensional item response theory: $\logit p(\bm{x}) = \langle \bm{u_i}, \bm{v_j} \rangle + e_j$
is a particular case.

\small \fullcite{rendle2012factorization}

Deep Learning

Duolingo challenge: second language learning (2018)

\centering \input{tables/duolingo}

Available on \url{http://sharedtask.duolingo.com}

Duolingo challenge: lots of side information!

Deep Factorization Machines

Learn layers \alert{$W^{(\ell)}$} and \alert{$b^{(\ell)}$} such that: \(\begin{aligned}[c] \bm{a}^{0}(\bm{x}) & = (\alert{\bm{v_{\texttt{user}}}}, \alert{\bm{v_{\texttt{item}}}}, \alert{\bm{v_{\texttt{skill}}}}, \ldots)\\ \bm{a}^{(\ell + 1)}(\bm{x}) & = \ReLU(\alert{W^{(\ell)}} \bm{a}^{(\ell)}(\bm{x}) + \alert{\bm{b}^{(\ell)}}) \quad \ell = 0, \ldots, L - 1\\ y_{DNN}(\bm{x}) & = \ReLU(\alert{W^{(L)}} \bm{a}^{(L)}(\bm{x}) + \alert{\bm{b}^{(L)}}) \end{aligned}\)

\[\logit p(\bm{x}) = y_{FM}(\bm{x}) + y_{DNN}(\bm{x})\]

\small \fullcite{Duolingo2018}

Duolingo ranking


\begin{tabular}{cccc} \toprule Rank & Team & Algo & AUC\ \midrule 1 & SanaLabs & RNN + GBDT & .857
2 & singsound & RNN & .854
2 & NYU & GBDT & .854
4 & CECL & LR + L1 (13M feat.) & .843
5 & TMU & RNN & .839\ \midrule (7) & JJV & KTM == FM & .822
(8) & JJV & DeepFM & .814
10 & JJV & DeepFM & .809\ \midrule – & JJV & KTM == LR + L2 & .783
15 & Duolingo & LR + L1 & .771\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}

\raggedright \small \fullcite{Settles2018}

What ‘bout recurrent neural networks?

Deep Knowledge Tracing: model the problem as sequence prediction

Graphically: deep knowledge tracing


Graphically: there is a MIRT in my DKT


Drawback of Deep Knowledge Tracing

DKT does not model individual differences.

Actually, Wilson even managed to beat DKT with (1-dim!) IRT.

By estimating on-the-fly the student’s learning ability, we managed to get a better model.

\centering \input{tables/results-dkt}

\raggedright \small \fullcite{Minn2018}




Take home message

\alert{Factorization machines} are a strong baseline that unifies many existing EDM models

\alert{Recurrent neural networks} are powerful because they track the evolution of the latent state


Any suggestions are welcome!

Read our article:

\begin{block}{Knowledge Tracing Machines} \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.03388} \end{block}

Try the code:

\centering \url{https://github.com/jilljenn/ktm}

\raggedright Feel free to chat:

\centering vie@jill-jenn.net

\raggedright Do you have any questions?