Jill-Jênn Vie

Researcher at Inria

% Implicit Layers % JJ Vie % 11/12/21 — theme: metropolis header-includes:

You can now backpropagate in any DAG.

But can you differentiate any layer?


Some layers may call solvers that take several \alert{iterations}
(e.g., root finding, fixed point, ODE solver, numerical integration)

Example of root finding layer


Find $z \in \R^n$ such that $f(a, z) = 0$ ($a \in \R^p$ are parameters)

When do we need it?

Example: ODE layers (Chen et al. 2018)




\[\begin{array}{ccc} & h_{t + 1} = h_t + f(h_t, \theta_t) & \frac{d h(t)}{dt} = f(h(t), t, \theta)\\ \textnormal{Input:} & x = h_0 & x = h(0)\\ \textnormal{Output:} & y = h_T & y = h(T) \end{array}\]

Implicit function theorem

Let $f : \R^p \times \R^n \to \R^n$ and $a_0 \in \R^p, z_0 \in \R^n$ s.t.

Then there exists open sets $V_a \in \V(a_0)$ and $V_z \in \V(z_0)$ and a $\alert{unique}$ continuous function $\alert{z^*} : V_a \to V_z$ (“solution mapping”) s.t.

Why is it convenient?

\[f(a, \alert{z^*}(a)) = 0 \quad \forall a \in V_a\]

Differentiate w.r.t. $a$ and evaluate at $(a_0, z_0)$

\begin{align} \partial_a f(a_0, z_0) + \partial_z f(a_0, z_0) \alert{\partial z^}(a_0) = 0
\alert{\partial z^}(a_0) = - \partial_z f(a_0, z_0)^{-1} \partial_a f(a_0, z_0) \end{align}

Main result: Computing the gradient of unknown function $z^*$ only depends on derivatives of $f$

Example: Brachistochrone problem




What is the shape of the path that minimizes the time for a marble to slip without friction (accelerated by gravity)?

Putting into equation

Input: $P = (P_X, P_Y) \in \R^2$

Find path that minimizes \(T = \int_0^P \frac{ds}v\)

$ds = \sqrt{dx^2 + dy^2}$, $\frac12 mv^2 = mgy$, $y = y(x)$

Find path that minimizes \(T = \int_0^{P_x} \underbrace{\sqrt{\frac{1 + y'^2}{2gy}}}_{L(x, y, y')} dx \qquad \underbrace{\partial_y L = \frac{d}{dx} \partial_{y'} L}_{\textnormal{Euler-Lagrange}}\)

$\Rightarrow y(1 + y’^2) = 2 R$ for some parameter $R$ \qquad $y’^2 = \frac{2R}y - 1$

Putting into code

Find parameter $R$

that minimizes loss $   y_R(P_X) - P_Y   ^2$

such that $y_R$ is a solution of $y(1 + y’^2) = 2R$

JAX is Autograd and XLA1

from jax import grad
parameters -= GAMMA * grad(loss)(parameters)


Kolter, Duvenaud and Johnson, Deep Implicit Layers, Tutorial NeurIPS 2020, \url{https://implicit-layers-tutorial.org}

Blondel et al., Efficient and Modular Implicit Differentiation, \url{https://jaxopt.github.io}

Chen et al., Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, Best Paper NeurIPS 2018, \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.07366}

Unrelated good reads


Wibisono, Wilson and Jordan, A Variational Perspective on Accelerated Methods in Optimization, 2016

Even et al., A Continuized View on Nesterov Acceleration for Stochastic Gradient Descent and Randomized Gossip, NeurIPS 2021, \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07644}

  1. (xccelerated linear algebra)