% Segment trees
% JJV; CP Algorithms
% 29 septembre 2023
aspectratio: 169
For a given array $a$
- Compute segment sum $a[\ell \ldots r]$
- Update element $a[i]$
Segment tree
Each node:
- handles segment $[\ell, r]$
- has one or several attributes/values (ex. min or sum of $a[\ell, r]$)
- has children $[\ell, m]$ and $[m + 1, r]$ where $m = \lfloor (\ell + r) / 2 \rfloor$
Building the tree has complexity $O(n)$
The height is $O(\log n)$, the complexity of queries is $4 \log n = O(\log n)$
Sum queries
Requested $[\ell, r]$
If current node is $[t\ell, tr]$, three cases:
- $[\ell, r] = [t\ell, tr]$: return current value
- $[\ell, r] \subset [tm, tr]$: 1 recursive call to the left
- Otherwise: 2 recursive calls on left and right
Update queries
Update element at position $i$
If current node is $[t\ell, tr]$:
- If $i \in [t\ell, tm]$: 1 recursive call to the left
- If $i \in [tm, tr]$: 1 recursive call to the right
Segment trees defined by arrays
Just like heaps
- Childrens of $i$ are $2i$ and $2i + 1$
- Parent of $i$ is $\lfloor i / 2 \rfloor$
Should wonder: what attributes at each node, how to merge children info upwards
- Min / Max / GCD / LCM instead of Sum: easy
- Max and number of occurrences of the max
- Count number of zeroes / finding the $k$-th zero
- Given value $x$ find smallest $i$ such that $a[i] \geq x$
- Finding subsegments of maximal sum: slightly harder
Union of rectangles
- https://www.spoj.com/problems/NKMARS/
- https://lightoj.com/problem/rectangle-union
More variants: lazy
- Adding $x$ to all cells in a range $[\ell, r]$
- Get $a[i]$
Attribute is “how much is added to this segment”.
Then we will compute the actual value of a cell only if requested, in $O(\log n)$.
- Assign $x$ to all cells in a range $[\ell, r]$
- Get $a[i]$
- Adding $x$ to all cells in a range $[\ell, r]$
- Query for max in a range $[\ell, r]$
One can also lazy build the segment tree (grow node only if needed)
Variant: persistent
- What is the $k$th smallest element in range $a[\ell:r]$
What’s in the notebook
- 4.5 Binary Tree is a sum segment tree
- 4.6 Binary Tree with Lazy Propagation
- update cell
- assign range
- query sum
- 4.7 Persistent Binary Tree == 4.8 Persistent Segment Tree
- 4.10 Heavy-Light decomposition
- decomposition of trees into heavy/light paths
- can use segment trees for heavy paths
- 4.11 Range min query
- uses sparse table: queries $O(1)$